Girls, Gains and Growing Pains
Get ready to start working smarter and harder to achieve your fitness goals. In every episode, we break down common health and fitness questions in a fun and relatable way. Whether you’re a beginner or far along on your fitness journey, this podcast is for you.
Girls, Gains and Growing Pains
A Healthy Debate: Our Fitness Likes and Dislikes
In this episode, we have a casual conversation about our most and least favorite parts of prioritizing fitness. We share our contrasting views on common fitness topics and explain how we leverage our personal preferences to stay motivated, disciplined, and moving forward towards our goals.
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This is Girls Gains and Growing Pains, a podcast about working smarter and harder to achieve your fitness goals. In every episode, we break down common health and fitness questions in a fun and relatable way.
Speaker 2:Whether you're a beginner or far along on your fitness journey, this podcast is for you.
Speaker 1:I'm Rachel Johns, a bikini bodybuilder, nutrition certified through Precision Nutrition and NASM certified personal trainer and I'm Julia Ross, just a regular gal trying to get healthier and lose weight.
Speaker 2:It's important to note that neither of us are medical professionals and the views expressed on this podcast are those of the host. So today's podcast episode we're just we're just going to kind of go with it, you know, because we do have these conversations like freely a lot, so we want people to experience this. We've actually been told recently, when people hear us talk now in person, they're like, oh my gosh, it's weird hearing you guys in person.
Speaker 1:Bring it to fourth wall.
Speaker 2:So we're going to talk about the lifestyle that we live and the things that we like about it and that we don't like about it, because I personally hear a lot of things that people don't like about getting healthy, changing their lifestyle habits, things like that, but then there's also a lot of people who love aspects of it. So there's there's definitely different sides of it and there's little specific things that maybe we like, maybe we don't like like. For starters, one thing I hate, which is so weird, is I hate taking vitamins and pills Like I. It takes me forever to take them, and that is something that I know.
Speaker 2:That's true, cause you have to explain how you take your vitamins, one at a time one at a time, and it takes me forever, like it takes me half a glass of water to swallow one pill, and we're just. This is this is how we're starting this, yeah, and it is so hard for me and that is the one thing that, like, I abide by everything, my coach tells me.
Speaker 2:That is the one thing that I struggle with so hard because he has me taking some vitamin c and stuff like that, just to keep keep the body going well, and my creatine is in forms of a pill and I've take four of those to get my dosage, because I don't know, they just don't put a lot in each one and it've take four of those to get my dosage Cause I don't know, they just don't put a lot in each one and it takes me forever. And those pills are like those lighter, like the capsules that like float in your mouth.
Speaker 1:Oh the floaters. Do they not know we have goals, Like we have things to do.
Speaker 2:Okay, and this is something that I'm like telling. I'm like, yeah, you should take vitamins. I'm like it is the biggest struggle for me in the world, like that is the thing I dread. Ifran can take a whole handful and just throw them back.
Speaker 1:I'm like one at a time, concentrating, like he can't even talk to me while I take them, cause I'm like you get so serious or you'll look at me and you'll kind of give me a face that's like okay, literally shut up. And I'm like, oh, we're going, all right.
Speaker 2:It's concentration it is.
Speaker 1:That is honestly one of the hardest aspects for me. It is, it is.
Speaker 2:That is honestly one of the hardest aspects for me, and I know that sounds crazy. No, I'm so good at everything else.
Speaker 1:That is one thing where I dropped the ball a lot. Hey, this is inspiration to anyone listening, though, because I hate taking vitamins but for a different reason, I cannot handle the consistency and the remembering to take them. So, if you listened to last week's episode, I have adopted a very sweet but quite sickly kitten and so I have to give him medication once or twice a day, and we literally just got back from the vet and got more medication and I have so much discipline when it comes to keeping him healthy Like, of course, smee must take his vitamins and medications at all. He takes a probiotic, he takes special healthy food, and then it comes to me. I'm like oh no, did I not take my like actually required medical medication, much like my supplements? Oh no, so that's, that's my beef with vitamins because, I'm on the E for N.
Speaker 1:I can just pop like I think my record is like eight or nine because my grandma you know being my grandma was veryfront end. I could just pop like I think my record is like eight or nine because my grandma, you know, being my grandma was very impressed that I could take more than one. So I said I'm a count, so I counted out all the pills I had to take in front of her in like high school.
Speaker 2:She's like wow so one time I took two Advil at once and I was like oh my gosh, hold the phone.
Speaker 1:She's over here. Ladies and gentlemen, that is.
Speaker 2:That is the one thing that I like struggle to my core with every day, you know anyway, um struggle. But I have to say into my faves of something though I love structure, I am a structured girl I love schedules. I love knowing what I'm doing every day. I like to plan Like I am type A.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:To my core, to my inner being. I am type A, but you are not.
Speaker 1:That's where we're different, it's hard for me.
Speaker 2:It's so funny for me because I'm like coaching and I'm like just set a time.
Speaker 1:You're like literally just plan it. And I'm like no, and every night I text him like I just don't know what happened with my macros and you say, if only there was a solution, if only we could plan our meals in advance like adults. That's so crazy to me.
Speaker 2:It's so funny. Yeah, the structure does it for me, and I was just telling someone this today. I was like I am so excited to start prep for my show so like the the whole journey.
Speaker 2:If you see, like Arnold Schwarzenegger is the best example, because most people have seen him for competition he is like really low body fat. That's basically what prep is you? You start to increase cardio, lower the calories, you start to shred a lot of body fat and then you get nice and lean for your show and that's what I'm starting next week. Yeah, and I was telling someone I was like I'm so excited to start prep and they're like why? And I was like there's so much structure, there's so much. That is just all planned and programmed out and for me.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love that and I know that is not common.
Speaker 1:I'm fully aware that that is a weird thing, that I enjoy what is like the general consensus on whether or not people enjoy prep, like in the bodybuilding community, which you say people are more on your side or more like me, like yucky Okay.
Speaker 2:I think there's different reasons. People enjoy it because I I think I'm going to enjoy it for the structure and then the results. I think some people grind through it simply for show day, and that's it, because a lot of people, too, fluctuate so much in off season that they're so excited to shred down because they've gained so much weight in off season. Oh no, that's a good point. I haven't gained that much weight in off season. I'm up like 10 pounds. Yeah, haven't you had your abs this whole time? Yeah, effortless, I didn't go crazy on off season, but there the discipline required in on during season is so much more, and I love that.
Speaker 2:Like I'm just like I love having a coach, I love having structure, and I know that's not for everyone. So I've learned how to coach people who maybe don't like as much structure, who want to have a little bit more. I totally understand that that's not for everyone. So I've learned how to coach people who maybe don't like as much structure, who want to have a little bit more. I totally understand that that is not for everyone. I understand that my lifestyle is not for everyone and that's where that's why I do it as a sport and not just like a fun little hobby, like I like having something to train for, something to. I'm still like, oh, I like that.
Speaker 2:I know how many sets, how many reps, what he wants me to do, what the goal is. Like that for me. That makes my fitness journey so so perfect for me yeah. But it's also like the torture for other people, yeah. So that's where I've learned as a coach to be like okay, I'm going to meet them where they're at, they're not going to meet me where I'm at. That is not realistic for me.
Speaker 1:I think we did it, especially with me, a really great way, cause I have my added element of just being kind of bratty where if you tell me to do something, I'm like no, like it's a hundred percent for my benefit, like no, I'm going to try my way until it absolutely fails, and then I come crawling back and say you were right. Like I think what we've done, that's been really helpful. For anyone who's listening, who's more on my end of the spectrum, I would say I definitely prefer the plug and play model where you give me we're doing five lifting days. Right now. I go into my app and I choose like what day I'm feeling.
Speaker 1:I never do or I try not to do like two leg days back to back, but I'll do it more that way and I'll have healthy food in my house. I won't necessarily know a week's worth ahead, but I'll make sure I have enough of my protein shakes and my protein yogurt and my low fat protein pancakes that just came in the mail I'm so excited Flourish, flourish Not sponsored yet, but I'll have them on hand. So then in the morning when I wake up I can decide, because some I'm really iffy about like meat. So some days I'll wake up and be like I really would like meat today, and then other days I'll wake up and not even want to smell meat. And I don't know what controls it hormones, the force like it's? It's just some something in my blood when I wake up makes me choose if I want meat or not.
Speaker 1:So then I just kind of adapt and go where we're different well, yeah, because that's something I hate about fitness is how much freaking protein I have to eat all the time, and just like learning what foods have and don't have protein has been like learning a whole nother language like yes, learning nutrition is a whole nother language. Like yes, learning nutrition is a whole nother language. But you can kind of guess how much fat and carbs are in stuff after a while.
Speaker 2:Okay, I feel like that's something that people just hate is learning how much fat is in everything, cause there's a lot more than the rest. But back to the protein. What you're saying is so funny Cause you're like I hate how much protein. I literally am having to budget my protein because I started drinking my protein shakes again because they taste like chocolate milk and protein shakes for reference.
Speaker 1:Rachel has the good fair life ones. I have the Costco premier protein, so it's not something on my end.
Speaker 2:So I've been drinking those after my workouts just like as a quick thing, yeah. And now at night I'm like but I want milk and I want more chicken, but I'm at my protein limit and I'm just carbs and carbs. Don't do it for me. I volunteers tribute like I in my coach knows this. He's like I'm like I love a low carb diet. I love just chicken vegetables, a little teriyaki sauce.
Speaker 1:Okay that I can vibe with that and and I.
Speaker 2:But the thing is so for me. I love the repetition of things. I love eating similar meals every single day Cause my gut likes it, and some people hate that. They're like how do you eat the same thing every day? I'm like how do you not? Which is where you know. I'm just wired a little weirdly. I'm very aware of that too, though.
Speaker 1:Self-awareness is always the first step.
Speaker 2:But that's something I love about it and that's why, when he gives me a higher macro count, so I don't know or haven't listened to our macronutrients, like it's just more food, yeah, and it's more than what I'm used to eating. I'm like how do you expect me to fit this into my macros? I can't eat that much, so I've been eating, having like Mandarin oranges available, bananas available, applesauce available for me to get in the carbs, cause I just I can't, I can't do it.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:I can have chicken for every single meal.
Speaker 1:It's a superpower, truly. And like and like I I don't mean to grimace, I just yeah, because I could have like waffles for every meal. I could have pancakes for every meal, a muffin, a piece of cake I know how you feel about cake, now that I lost that score on your freaking bridal shower my bridal shower this weekend, which was phenomenal.
Speaker 1:We played this freaking quiz about Rachel and I got way too many questions wrong. I think I got three out of 15 incorrect and I was mortified. But I still think my answer for your favorite dessert should have counted, because she said canon wise. Officially it's chocolate cake, but I said the Yasso bars and I feel like I should have at least gotten half credit.
Speaker 2:Are my macro friendly favorite desserts? See, I was seeing it through bars and I feel like I should have at least gotten half credit. Are my macro-friendly favorite desserts? See, I was seeing it through a lens.
Speaker 1:I was seeing it through my lens, that's all I've been eating.
Speaker 2:That's all I hear you talk about. We have like six boxes. One gram of fat in those. They're Greek yogurt. It's phenomenal. Yeah, anyway, sidebar, we're diving going around, but it's okay, we wanted to to free speak this one. Um, okay, what are some things that you like about? Like, what is something that you're like when you tell people you should do a fitness journey, you should start taking care of yourself. What's the like selling point for you.
Speaker 1:I'll give it to myself as like an elevator pitch of you don't want to go to the nip today. I'm like. But Julia, remember yesterday when that really buff guy was doing lateral raises at 12.5 pounds for the same amount of reps you were doing 15 pounds for. Remember that joyous feel, the euphoria of looking over and seeing him looking at you, annoyed like god. That fueled me for like a week a week. I tell you empowerment feeling it is, and like I I only say that because I'm super competitive, I'm not. I won't judge you at the gym if you're lifting less than me, because obviously I was the person and they're lifting like the five, seven pounders like just within a year. So I'm not like some days.
Speaker 1:I'm tired and I still do that. So a hundred percent hypertrophy is the way. Some days I just like now. I find that fun, playful competitiveness of it where I allow those around me at the gym to push me and feel better. And so when I think about like what I love about fitness, I love the competitiveness feeling, not necessarily against other people but against myself.
Speaker 2:Well, I can totally attest that, because you were like when I, whenever I'm with you, you're like I need you to spot me on bench and you're like you're here, just you know, come spot me. And, um, I lifted this much last time. Was this more than the last time? Okay, and like it has nothing to do with anyone around us.
Speaker 1:No, no. And it doesn't have anything to do with aesthetics either, cause, like, if I think about what I aesthetically am working on, it has nothing to do with bench, but I do bench press before every single workout, like I'm at the gym for like an hour and a half two hours every time now because I spend the first 20 minutes doing my shoulder warm-ups and then benching and just repping it out.
Speaker 2:It's the thing you love. That's how I used to feel about single arm rows. Oh my goodness.
Speaker 1:I could row 80s, go what.
Speaker 2:Crushing it. Yeah, that was the exercise that I was doing, a lot I mean, and it was just. I mean it aesthetically helps as well, which is convenient, but it's very nice. I am competitive as well, but that was honestly, I have to admit, it's because I compete with the male trainers at my gym.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, I. I'm now in a league where I'm starting to compete with the guys lifting next to me in the like the bench area, specifically because my gym is very like I would say even more male dominant than the average gym when it comes to the weights floor. Like I've never okay, scratch that I've seen three girls benching my entire time at my gym that aren't me, and I've been going there for a year no.
Speaker 1:So that's really interesting too, though Now it's feeling like, oh, like I'm competing, and most of them are like noodley boys, you know, but some of them, some of them are buff and I'm like, who knows, they could be recovering from surgery. Who knows?
Speaker 2:I don't judge, but also I I actually smack talk with my guy trainers that I work with, because as a trainer, we all obviously like see each other in the break from all time and like one of our trainers, he was like dude, I didn't get to work out yesterday, I didn't plan out my schedule Right, and today. So him and I were training a couple. It's an elderly couple and so I train an 85 year old and he's trained the wife.
Speaker 1:Is that the one where you swap, where it's like the gender swap?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I trained the husband. He's training the wife right now because the regular trainer is out of town and, um, I told my client. I said, hey, you client. I said, hey, you're working out more than I, more than Isaiah right now, and Isaiah was just like it's one day. I skipped one day, but I love, I love working out with them because I am strong for a female, in my upper body especially, and, um, it's just, it's kind of a fun little like competition when you start to get to know people at the gym and you're like, oh, hey, I'm gonna lift this for me. I love, I love that like that's something I do. Love is the atmosphere of a gym. A lot of people are there for the same purpose, everyone is taking care of themselves.
Speaker 2:And it's kind of fun. To just joke around and exercise is fun. It doesn't have to be this terrible, dreading thing.
Speaker 1:Despite the facial expression I have at all times, I'm not actively suffering.
Speaker 2:I am semi enjoying myself like that's where people make their friend groups a lot and like, okay, but how has a big friend group I literally was just talking to my trainer about this Kylie for listening, shout out, dude, kylie and I.
Speaker 1:So she was my trainer before Rachel. We're working out for fun together next Monday and it's gonna be a blast, it's gonna's going to be good. It's an environment. How do you meet people at the gym? How do you make friends?
Speaker 2:I don't know what it is, but I do have people approach me a lot at the gym. I don't know why. Even when I worked out with you, remember that lady came up to me and just started talking.
Speaker 1:She didn't just come up to you, she said you have the best butt I have ever seen in real life.
Speaker 2:Like they just, they just come talk, they do, they do. I love that. And you know what? Like creating that environment is so good. I love when my clients come into the gym and they like wave to say hi and stuff. Like I feel like there's this cool vibe and like that's something I like is it's like everyone's supporting each other. You know, what's funny is, if you're not in a gym and you're like, hey, I can't come to dinner, I have to go to the gym. One of my clients just told me that she was trying to not go to dinner with her friends. She's like I have to go to the gym. They're like, no, you don't. But if you're at the gym, they're like, um, like the environment's different. It's like, oh, hey, it's awesome dude.
Speaker 1:Like you're crushing it.
Speaker 2:But if you're outside of the gym, they're like why would you go to the gym right now? Just come out with us. You can skip one thing. The conversation is so different. So your gym friends. I always tell people fitness is a filter that is one of my favorite phrases.
Speaker 2:This is a filter because your, your circles, change, but I kind of love that. I love that like support of like you're living healthy lifestyles, they're encouraging you to take care of you yeah, which is kind of a cool different dynamic than a lot of your friendships. I feel like a lot of times it's like, no, come out to dinner with us. And it's not like okay, if that's what you need to do for you, go take care of you. No, and I know I get that a lot when I tell people I don't drink.
Speaker 1:They're like don't drink, like oh, come on, like why won't you? Like it's gonna be fun, and I'm like if you're listening and someone tells you they're not drinking, do not freaking press it like there are so many reasons people are not drinking.
Speaker 1:Like dude. It's not like, oh my god, are you pregnant? Because we've been out and you've said I'm not drinking and people go are you pregnant? Like people are out there, like do I look like dude? Like just if someone says that they're not drinking and that's like no, it's a complete sentence. I'm not drinking is a complete sentence.
Speaker 2:Like that's my little mini rant on that it and creating those boundaries, and I never feel like ashamed of that. I never feel like. We went to vegas last year when I was in prep and we told ephraim's friends hey, rachel's not drinking, like you know, just just you know she's gonna be eating like sashimi, like she can't have a lot of rice and stuff and some of it and all of his friends love to lift and they're like, oh sick and like that was it like no one was like, oh, you should drink, and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:It was just like okay, actually one of his other guy friends doesn't drink either, so we're we're just like chilling together and that I love that now I feel confident in setting that boundary and like there are people who will support that boundary.
Speaker 2:And in my fitness journey I like that I have found the group of people and like have been able to surround myself with them constantly. And I think when you find that group, that makes the fitness journey like just so much better and more fulfilling, cause you're like, oh, we all have these, these goals, and we can get. They look different. Your and I's goals are not the same. Oh, completely different. Yeah, it's cool that we are just in the same world. And it's like, okay, you got this. Okay, you got this, you got this. Like, oh, I'm so excited for you. I'm sorry, like you know, I saw your post today. If you didn't go, if you didn't see it, julia post like her gym, was that today or yesterday? Oh, I took it yesterday, yeah, so um the purple, the fine shadow.
Speaker 2:Like 90 of the comments were from people that I knew first, that I introduced you, that then you became friends with, who are now supporting you on that and like it's so wild it's wild yeah that's something I love.
Speaker 2:It's like people just support you and it's like you know, women supporting women and like just just hyping everyone up, like creating a, creating a vibe around taking care of yourself and saying, hey, it's okay that you're choosing you, it's okay that that's your priority, and that's something that I just love. I love that people in my life are now contributing to other people in my life. It's creating this big web of people who are just supporting each other and like that's what I've always strived for in like training people also just being into fitness yeah, like, and you have friends also. After you posted, I had like four more people join my little Instagram too, and it's like amazing. Yeah, it's, it's this cool um community.
Speaker 1:it's kind of like a cross pollination, like I I that's like a weird way to phrase it, but I also I I don't know this is not the most like politically correct way to say this, but I always feel like a fitness pusher when people are like oh well, I don't know if I should start lifting. I'm like, okay, but hear me out.
Speaker 2:Like I'm like, let me tell you, tell you, you know, kind of with that, something that, as a coach, that I don't like about it is that I do have to do that little, like you know, it's harder because okay, let's rephrase so, as in my job, yes, as someone who's really into fitness, yes, um, even if I'm not at the gym, it's still known that I do training, like you know they say and all of a sudden it opens this conversation where people like, yeah, well, I used to lift, but I just walk now because you know that's enough, and like, and I'm.
Speaker 2:And then they open the conversation about very incorrect science, about taking care of yourselves and it presents me in an awkward conversation where I don't have it in me to agree with incorrect things.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm sorry. No, that's not your MO.
Speaker 2:As my job. I always feel like I do feel like, okay, like people are like well, beans have like so much protein. I'm like, okay, 10 minutes ago you didn't. You told me you didn't know what protein was like. Therefore, we can't have this conversation Like I'm telling you no, you should not eat beans in every single meal. If you're trying to lose weight.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we need to change it around, but it's it's presenting things very um matter of factly to me that I'm like, okay, that's not exactly correct, but sometimes it'll be like out at like a party. Yeah, and I don't like that aspect where, if you're into fitness, all of a sudden everyone opens like there's, there was a tiktok about it and I loved it. Where they're like when you're the trainer at a family dinner and people like, yeah, what do you think about intermittent fasting? And like, oh, yeah, don't look at my plate, like that kind of thing. Like people are always like nagging me about it and like I'm like you know what? I'm not going to lecture you on what's on your plate like no, honestly I'm.
Speaker 2:I'm just, I'm concerned about myself right now and, like I am not going to push that. And if you open the conversation, you're open to hearing what I have to say, great, but I am not going to push that. And if you open the conversation and you're open to hearing what I have to say, great, but I'm not going to sit here and argue with you.
Speaker 1:It's the same like when I'm on social media because, like, I do social media for part of my job or like video creation, like if I see a crappy video, I'm not going to comment and be like wow, this upset my day to see such a poorly executed piece of content.
Speaker 2:My God, like it's just when you apply it to like any other profession, it's not expected. But when you're a trainer or like a doctor or nurse, you get all of those unsolicited comments that I just get to avoid. It's like. It's like if someone said to you hey, julia, watch this video, I want your opinion. And then you told them your opinion. They said, no, I'm right, I like oh, at my job that does happen.
Speaker 1:Like oh, at my job that does happen.
Speaker 2:Yes, Like they're seeking your affirmation in the knowledge that they have, but they asked your opinion, so it gets. It gets a little complex, so that's something that I don't like as much about it, because awkward conversations with maybe like eat friends, friends or like family members and stuff like that, Like it can and honestly though, that's why so. My my aunt's husband he's my uncle, I guess. Yeah, that's why so. My my aunt's husband, yeah, I guess.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, he was a bodybuilder and he is like one of the only people where him and I just sit and we just talk and it's like awesome, everything I'm going through and it's really cool, but like and he teaches me stuff and that's where in the conversation, like this is awesome. I love talking to enrique about that stuff because you know, but it does get a little awkward, like when people come up to me at parties and want to talk about like the macros on their plate and stuff. I know that's like sometimes I'm like I was just talking to someone about that because she's a nutritionist and she was like why do people just like not want to be my clients, but like they just want to read all of my knowledge?
Speaker 1:yeah, no, like when, because I have that with like photography and like my photographer. Like we're both, obviously, in French and photography you more so than me but when I was in like photography club in college, so many of my photographer friends would complain at like just unsolicitedly being asked to photograph things. They're like oh well, can you just bring your camera? Like you're coming anyway, can you just bring your camera. It's completely dependent on the situation. In the same way that giving someone fitness advice is like just don't, don't ask people who do like these are real jobs. People do this for money.
Speaker 2:That like just because it's not like, oh, I'm a stockbroker like but if I'm relaxing, you know, at a party, talking to people, yeah, let's do that at a different time, but just create a little. But I love coaching like I don't want that to be portrayed. I love coaching, I love my clients, I love helping people with that at the right time.
Speaker 1:Like there's a difference between clocking in and clocking out.
Speaker 2:We had my bridal shower none of that food was very healthy, but you know what I was like. It's okay, I mean, it's not, it's not the end of the world, no, and and we're all good and like no one needed, no one asked me about like nutrition points on the food that we're eating. It's just like that's what I love. I love having casual events and stuff. So there are. There is that aspect of like that's something that I don't like, but there's. So there's so many other things that I do love about this whole lifestyle that we're both living right now and stuff, and it is really cool and I get to teach a lot, which I do love. I love teaching in the right moments In the right moments. Wait, let's do like two short favorite things, two short favorite things I really like.
Speaker 1:Scratch that freaking. Am obsessed with the feeling of being pumped after lifting. That's what I was going to say. Oh, my God, we're so in sync. You put me onto this. So when you work out and you like, take like your pre-workout that has like chemical, I don't know, racial, enlighten us.
Speaker 2:Also, one of my least favorite things is pre-workout.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I still take back, circling back. But when you take pump, like it makes blood flow to your muscles and you're drinking more water and you look in the mirror, you're just like I am jacked, like I, literally I those pictures that rachel called like about earlier in the episode. I took those after I'd done a two hour 800 calorie upper body day and I look at those pictures and I'm zooming in and I'm like, oh, that's a shoulder. Oh, they're like, oh, am I a unit? Am I not a woman? But in fact, a God question, I where is she? Well, there's just like there is an undeniable confidence, like there's so many things in life that you put work into and you can't see tangible results from, but the fact that I can drink a little drinky drink.
Speaker 2:Go to the gym like, flap my arms around for 45 minutes and then look buff, like what it's awesome, it's amazing, that's, that's one of my favorite things. Yeah, I did shoulders today and I was just like she's looking good.
Speaker 1:You find the gym that like the portion of the gym that has like the harshest lighting, so the shadows really pop on the pump kicks pro tip we have we have a bathroom in our employee like break room and one of the trainers was like rachel, okay, open the bathroom door.
Speaker 2:No, there's a right next to it. He's like turn off the bathroom light, the light from the break room shadows into it and you'll look cut. And I was like I love you for this that's so iconic.
Speaker 1:This is also the trainer I was making fun of for skipping one workout oh my god, we are the same. Him and I are the same oh fantastic, gosh.
Speaker 2:Okay, second fave. What's the second fave?
Speaker 1:second fave. I'm scared we're gonna say the same thing again um having a justification for my excessive collection of workout clothes. I was on the floor. Gym outfits is beyond satisfying. I, oh my god when I tell you I pioneered athleisure. Dorianne, if you ever listen to this episode, she is my witness that I pioneered athleisure before. It was cool freshman year of college with my taurian laziness, but I was there, and now that I go to the gym I can justify fancy gym clothes and I I love amassing it and I know I'm preaching to the choir here yes, literally I wore the cutest outfit today.
Speaker 2:It was like a white sports bra with like these red shorts and I got so many compliments from people. Wait, wait, people compliment you on your outfits All the time, literally when I wear my green iguana-looking outfit. I have had one time I had probably close to 10 people be like I love your gym outfit today. What Strangers at the gym just coming up, yeah, all the time. One lady told me your gym when I went to your gym I had my blue outfit on. Yeah, and she was like she came out, she's like you look like superwoman, she's like you just look so good. I was like thank you. Like, literally, I the outfits. I feel like that is the best. Like I plan my outfits based on the workout I'm doing for that day, based on if I have self tan or not, what level of self, if it's fading a little bit.
Speaker 1:If I've shaved my legs or not.
Speaker 2:the variables my hair is blonde, so I can wear shorts anytime.
Speaker 1:Unbothered. Or you can be me and go to the gym with your self-tanner completely sweated off from behind your knees, so it looks like you have two white targets behind your knees and my gym crush was there that day. Love that for me. So don't do that. Don't do that Check for that before picking shorts.
Speaker 2:But I have to say, the gym outfits. Okay, I have a gym outfit closet and I truly get the most joy out of choosing my gym outfit every single day. And you know what, when prep starts, sometimes I have to bring two, because cardio is for the morning and lifting in the afternoon, or vice versa so I get to bring two outfits a day.
Speaker 1:I was telling my client this today.
Speaker 2:I was like I probably have 60 plus leggings in my closet easily and counting.
Speaker 1:I was like we should do a video where we do your whole closet, but I was like that would take forever because it's not just like a dress, it's like leggings.
Speaker 2:You gotta like shimmy that shorts, sports bras, the long sleeve, crop tops, everything all the goods my favorite gym shirt sweatshirt. Yeah, no, that's, I love that no you have not gotten into, like the gym outfits, even efren picks out his gym outfit.
Speaker 1:oh my, literally not to be inappropriate, but a man in a good gym outfit, slutty, slutty.
Speaker 2:It's true, it's true. He's like oh, I have to have my white shoes clean to match the white top that I'm going to wear with the blue joggers. I'm like absolutely, you must.
Speaker 1:Gym fits are truly for everyone. He was not like this before, by the way.
Speaker 2:What I converted him to a gym outfit person.
Speaker 1:Oh well, you converted me to a gym outfit person If you look at the first well and part of that was like body confidence freaking my outfit.
Speaker 1:At the beginning I was like, why did you people let me in? Like there really should have been like a, at least have some self-respect dress code for me. Cause it wasn't the like oh, she's just wearing baggy clothes. Like no, my friends, I was wearing the ugliest things in my closet with the logic of, well, that way I don't have to worry. Like I was going to wear it for like something that actually mattered. And then I shifted that mindset to now. I wear my favorite clothes to the gym and I work remote and when I see my friends, I'm usually in like going out clothes or like workout clothes. So it's now where I get to wear my favorite clothes.
Speaker 2:So just one time you texted me, you're like why is my gym crush not talking to me? You sent me a picture of your outfit and you're like in like a nightgown length shirt and like your knees.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was, it's not like wow, that girl has gazelle legs. Look at her beautiful legs. D Diana, princess style. In your shirt I simply swimming alive, keeping me alive. If you're listening, jim crush, I'm sorry, I've upped my game with the booty scrunch shorts and I know you noticed because we locked eyes yesterday.
Speaker 2:No, you saw the gym outfits make a difference. They do. That is truly one of my favorite things. Um true, I mean, I don't know what better way to end this episode than talking about gym clothes because I was just thinking we're ending on the happiest possible.
Speaker 1:I'm glowing, you can't see us right now. We'll put we're just, we're glowing, we're glowing.
Speaker 2:We're glowing, talking about this, and you'll see our gym outfits all over our stories. Yeah, if you don't follow us my instagram is at rachel. J underscore fitness it's new, it's fresh.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the new username. I am at dreams to dumbbells, and then, if you want to follow our joint account, we are at gggp underscore podcast. And then, if you are not on socials, you can always contact us by emailing girls gains and growing pains at gmailcom yes, and maybe this week.
Speaker 2:We'll always post our gym outfits.
Speaker 1:Let's do that, oh fun. Okay, wait, that is fun, and I'm doing cardio at home, but I'm doing um like lightsaber duels on my VR headset, so maybe I'll wear like a Jedi outfit one day, besides my gym outfit Team ED. Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen.
Speaker 2:Yes, awesome, okay, so we are going to wrap up here.
Speaker 1:And it's been another episode of Girls Gains and Growing Pains.